Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Need help with tasting assignment!

I was supposed to ask you guys the following questions for my report! Please click on the comment link below and then leave a comment or email me plzzzzz!

10 Q!


  1. • Which chocolate was the most popular and why?

    • How was this formal tasting received by your tasters? What were their comments?

  2. BTW
    I read the list of tasting supplies as:

    1 bar baking chocolate - so I bought the unsweetened 100% but what it actually said was

    "1- package of Bakers or Nestle Semisweet chocolate squares or another type of baking chocolate found in your supermarket."

    WOOPSIES! sorry guys *^_^

  3. 1) My selected fave.
    My selected favourite was sample number 2. If memory serves me correctly, this is because of the following reasons:
    * Not a strong bitter or overpowering chocolatey taste.
    * Milky and smooth, but not overbearingly so. "jussst right, like baby bear's porridge, perhaps?'
    *No aftertaste whatsoever
    * Melted in the mouth, not in the hand (m&m's eat ur heart out. the blue m and m is the baddest) The chocolate also did not take too long in the mouth.
    * The flavour was simple. Milk and chocolate. No other fluff. Not bitter. Not too sweet. Not too crazy with weird stuff. Could see myself having a block of this after dinner as a treat.
    * Maybe it should be noted that I care very little about the 'snap'

    2) Comments about the formal testing.
    Overall, a good session. I must admit at first I was a tad bit confused on what what required (mebbe cuz i got distracted by a duck) but quickly came on board.
    I did, however, had some trouble articulating whatever it is i wanted to say, be it the taste, snap, feel, aroma etc. But again, this became easier by more sampling.
    I didnt like the variety of dark chocolate, because I'm more of a white/milk chocolate fan. But I guess those were the types required or preferred by the majority.
    The last one was icky, whatever it was.

    Viva la chocolat!
