Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rogue blogger returns... or does she?

Holy hiatus Batman! So I've been completely busy studying/working on assignments/getting sick/applying for visitor visas/ hosting guests/ trying to take over the world and totally neglected my poor bloggy in the process... which I thought didn't matter cos no one was reading it anyway. Thanks to Matt for proving me wrong! Usually I would put up a picture now but I'm now realizing I don't have any pictures of you (?!) But I guess that's not by accident - you're a crafty one Mr. Lee - I'll give you that... ;b

But in all seriousness, I have Matt to thank for introducing me to truly fine chocolate in the first place - even though my mom devoured most of them before I got a taste ^_^* ... Yes, Soma Chocolates

I think they were chocolate covered coffee beans?* They were dusted with cocoa and they had a nice thick melty layer surrounding the bean and I remember being warned they were addictive ;) I have a bad memory but Matt's an awesome gift giver - thanks Matt!

(*MATT says they were hazelnuts - you rock Matt!)

Soma has such slick website too ... check it out below :


  1. They were dark chocolate covered hazelnuts if I remember correctly.

  2. I told you my mom ate like all of em so I wasn't sure ! LOL! I shall amend post now...
